Friday, November 12, 2010

Tell a Friend! Solardelphia's Referral program.

Referring a friend, family member or neighbor to Solardelphia can put more cash in your wallet. Solardelphia has built its reputation and project portfolio around positive references from our clients and word of mouth - and we $$ reward $$ you for sending your friends to Solardelphia!
Here is how our referral program works:

Solardelphia's Program

·      Residential: receive $75 per kW installed on a referred system, up to $1000.
·      Commercial: receive $50 per kW installed on a referred system, up to $2000.

Our referral program is then bolstered by SunPower Corporation, offering you additional referral fees!

SunPower's Program

·      Receive $25 on a referred system that results in a free site visit and consulation by Solardelphia.
·      THEN, your refer-ee will receive $200 for installing a system after being referred! It is a win-win.
·      Receive $200 on a referred system that is installed.

More info. on SunPower's program can be found here: 

We also offer special group discounts and pricing for your employees through the Solardelphia & SunPower ALLIANCE PROGRAM. 

Are you a business owner? Click here to learn how you can host a solar seminar to learn about solar for your business AND to your employees go solar with a discount: